MOVE better, BREATHE better, LIVE better!

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Welcome to Myofunctional Wellness Group

Learn more about what we do...

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional Therapy, also called orofacial myofunctional therapy, is an exercise-based program used to promote optimal function in the muscles of the tongue, oral cavity (mouth), and face.  This form of physical therapy encourages and improves nasal breathing, lip seal, tongue positioning, and proper swallowing by helping you move better and strengthen weakened muscles.

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Why myofunctional therapy is needed:

We often become accustomed to how we feel, blurring the lines between healthy and unhealthy, functional and dysfunctional, optimal mobility and limited mobility.  Does this mean what is normal to us is actually normal? Fortunately, no!  We have all heard the saying, "Use it, or lose it!"  Muscles we do not use as we were genetically designed to will weaken over time.  Our bodies are amazing machines, kicking into other gears when needed to perform.  As myofunctional therapists, we refer to this phenomenon as compensating.  Myofunctional therapy will get you functioning optimally again, the way your body is designed to!

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How our myofunctional therapy program works:

This method of holistic treatment guides you in retraining facial, jaw, tongue, and lip muscles so you can function properly - not only while you are using them, but also while they are at rest. Our myofunctional therapy sessions are VIRTUAL, done online and in the comfort of your home!  We will send you a Myo Tool Kit with everything needed for our exercises with you!

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What can myofunctional therapy help treat?

Myofunctional therapy is capable of improving an array of health related concerns.  It is common to experience several issues, often at once, due to the intricate involvement of muscles, fascia, and nerves within our body.

Sleep Problems

-Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
-Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)
-Sleep mouth breathing
-Chronic fatigue
-Poor sleep


Oral Habits

-Grinding of teeth
-Tongue-tie/ Tethered tissue
-Nail biting 
-Thumb sucking
-Pacifier use

-Open mouth posture (mouth breathing)

Jaw Pain & Headaches

-TMJ pain
-Popping and Clicking

-Headaches (tension and stress)


-Digestive problems
-Autoimmune disorder symptoms
-Acid reflux
-Chronic upper respiratory infections
-Tonsil and ear infections

Physical & Mental

-Weak pelvic floor

-Poor posture (forward head tilt)
-Asymmetry in facial muscles
-Neck and back pain
-ADD/ADHD symptoms
-Brain fog


-Relapse after braces/ortho
-Tooth decay
-Gum disease
-Symptoms of TMJD

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